Grenache S. L.

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Vilafranca del Penedès  938172905
Passion  for  wine
Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers, and how one remembers it to tell it.
Wine  especialists
In  1991, a great winemaker, offered us the possibility of knowing the wine thoughout its journey.
Working inits production process, we learned everything there is to know in winemaking; vineyard, grape harvest reception, vinification of musts, winemaking, breeding, racking, etc.
Since then, the journey has been intense and favorable, and has allowed us to gain in-depth knowledge of our sector.
The really difficult thing is to make a winery profitable and sustainable over time.
The easy thing is to prune in waning and tread with your feet.
German R. Blanco
A strong brand impact, salves problems and offers opportunities.
The wines represent the land in which they are born, they are the essence of the grapes that gave them life.
The satisfaction of knowing that the consumer identifiles the brand as a value.
A correct positioning allows to share the market with the best brands.
It is easy to belleve that making a sensational wine will help you navigate a market full of competitors.
Actually, it is not that easy. It doesn't matter how good a wine is, if it doesn't connect with a relevant audience that demands it.
This is where the concept of "branding" comes into play, it is necessary to build added value, to connect with the right group of people who buy and consume the bottles.

Contact  us

Grenache  S.L.
Bisbe Panyelles nª 7
08720 Vilafranca del Penedès

+34 938172905 -
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Grenache S. L. - Tel. 938172905 - Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona)
Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved.
Grenache S. L.
Tel. 938172905
Vilafranca del Penedès
Copyright © 2018 Reservados todos los derechos.
Grenache S. L. - Tel. 938172905 -Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona)
Grenache S. L. - Tel. 938172905 -Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona)
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